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Art. 13 of the Regulation on the processing of personal data Reg. (EU) 2016/679

General measure of 08 April 2010 on video surveillance

Dear Customer, we hereby inform you that at the hotel tourist facility there is a video surveillance system consisting of cameras, monitors and DVR recorder, active 24 hours a day on 24.Il processing of data through video surveillance systems will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, will take place on magnetic, electronic and tools in order to guarantee adequate security of your personal data from unauthorized processing or unlawful acts and accidental loss, destruction or damage, by appropriate technical and organisational measures.

This processing will take place in compliance with current legislation and in particular with the provisions of the GDPR and the rules of the penal code that prohibit the interception of communications and conversations. The purposes for which Bluserena SpA Unipersonale has decided to install a video surveillance system are related to reasons of security of company assets, customers and staff with respect to possible aggression, theft, robbery, damage, vandalism; for this reason, the cameras have been positioned in such a way as to capture the clichés, internal or external, which concretely present dangers and for which it is believed that there is an effective need for deterrence. All areas where video surveillance systems are installed are identified by affixing signs, bearing brief information. The processing is based on the legitimate interest of the owner.

The images will not be disseminated and can only be viewed by the personnel in charge of video surveillance. The viewing of the recordings is allowed only on the occasion of the occurrence of criminal events, in the presence of the personnel in charge of video surveillance. In such cases, the images may be consulted by the competent Judicial or Police Authority.

In accordance with current legislation, Bluserena SpA keeps the recorded images for a period of 24 hours (48 hours for Is Serenas Badesi Village, 72 hours for Sansicario Majestic, 168 hours for GranSerena Hotel), except due to specific investigative requests from the Judicial Authority.

For any further information you can contact the data controller, Bluserena S.p.A. Unipersonale, Via Caravaggio 125 – 65125 Pescara (PE) – e-mail: or the Data Protection Officer by sending an email to or by writing to the Data Protection Officer Bluserena – Via Caravaggio 125 – 65125 Pescara (PE).

You can contact them to assert your rights: you can request access to your data, the cancellation of the same or the opposition to the processing. Requests for deletion of data are subject to the obligations in force by law and for the conservation of documents imposed on the Company. If you believe that there is a problem in the way personal data are handled, you will have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.


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